
Welcome Ann-Marie Joy Ashley!

Just wanted to let everyone know that Ann-Marie Joy Ashley was born on Saturday, July 26 at 5:14pm. She weighed 6lbs. 12oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. She has LOTS of brown hair. She's beautiful! And such a blessing! Both her and Amy are doing great. We came home today.

That's all I have time to say right now but I'll give another update (with pictures!) within the next few days.


Anonymous said...

aww Thats great! we'll have to come see her and all of yall once you get back to normal! love yall!

Anonymous said...

yay! im so happy for u guys. me and rebecca were tlking to today about how crazy it is ya'll have three kids and alora is gonna be four! i wish yall the best. by the way:) the dedication service for our new church is september 7th;) just to let you know. love you guys:)

Leo said...

Happy times!!!

Also, I have changed my blog site address to better reflect the style of my soon to be launched website. Would you consider updating your link to my blog from cultureandcoffee.blogspot.com TO leojnewman.blogspot.com

Thank you.

Eric M. Ashley said...

Leo, I've made the change.