
From Pastor to Creative Communal Coordinator

Being called a "pastor" is so 2009. Goodbye "Senior Pastor" and hello "Creative Communal Coordinator." It's 2010 people, so get in the game! Thankfully, if you are not artsy or cool enough to think of a hipper title on your own, Mark Driscoll has compiled a helpful chart. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3. Make the change today! (I'm having way too much fun with this.) Here are a few of my combos:
  • Heartfelt Soul Conductor
  • Master Motivational Manager
  • Imaginative Happiness Honcho
Well, now it's your turn. Place a few of your favorite combos in the comment section.

1 comment:

Caffeinated Cellist said...

Well, I initially jumped at Holistic Expression Artist, but for the sake of alliteration, Sublime Soul Supervisor sounds kinda . . . uh . . . something.

But then again, I kind of like Radical Potential Enabler.

Decisions, decisions!