
My Favorite Price is Free

I recently recieved a free audio cd from American Vision, entitled, The Worldview War. I really enjoyed listening to it, and if you'd like to get a free copy for yourself, go here. Here's a description of the lecture:
The War between Christian and Anti-Christian worldviews is raging all around us. In this CD, you’ll learn that America’s moral and cultural crisis is the result of Christians not applying the Christian worldview to every area of life. Discover why there is no such thing as "neutrality." While Christians stand by and do nothing, the other side is working feverishly to implement their godless, humanistic, destructive worldview. Which worldview will ultimately prevail and how will it affect your family, the Church, and America?
Also, if you don't mind signing up for their email list, they'll also throw in a free copy of Biblical Worldview Magazine. Go here to get both the cd and the magazine.

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